My phone nestles in my bag, accompanying me wherever I go, linking me to my friends, family and the world.” The Vatican once threw its hat in the ring of anti-mobile users. During the Lenten period, it urged believers to give up sending text messages and use the phone! Words fail me at the importance of this message. Suffice it to say that public indignation had more than shown how unpopular this penance was!
The bra is another item
that could be in danger of being banned because there’s a possibility they give
women breast cancer! I mean how can your boobs be possibly bad for your health?
“How could a lace sling designed to counteract gravity and give extra bounce
have the sinister effect of blocking my lymph glands, so causing cancer? The
medics should consider the dangers of banning bras,” says Esther, a
cosmetologist in her 30s. “Millions of female joggers would run the risk of
serious black eyes. It would also be a disaster for the retail trade. What
would the husbands do at Christmas without the thrill of buying something quite
unsuitable in red or shocking pink for their wives? And where would the
advertising industry be without a cleavage feature on hoardings?” As for
deodorants, they’re supposed to contain carcinogenic chemicals, and to avoid
the damaging effects, you’re advised to go natural—a giant leap back to the
prehistoric days where you allow hair to grow and perspiration runs free.
According to Esther:”That might have been bearable in those olden days, when
reliance consisted of a knock on the head with a wooden club, and people lived
in caves full of bat droppings. But imagine rush-hour, or the cinema, or a long
haul flight without deodorants. Life might last longer but would it be worth
living?” Here are other tongue-in-check comments on other “vices” you should
give up: Cars: They pollute, they kill people, and roads destroy the
countryside. But in return, they give us freedom, independence and somewhere to
put the shopping. Actually, no matter how much harm cars do, they’ll never be
banned because men are addicted to them. They use their cars the way Medieval
Man used his codpiece to inflate his ego. Babies: A gynaecologist was once
asked what single thing a woman could do
to prolong her life and hang on to
her youth. He said:”avoid having babies. Child birth damages a woman’s body as
badly as a car crash.” Once your baby is born, there’s no let up. Years of
sleeplessness gives you indelible wrinkles. Babies throw up on the shoulder of
your expensive dress. They develop a high fever just as you’re about to go out.
Then they give you that gummy grin and fall asleep on your chest, breathing out
that special fragrance of talcum and baby oil. Irresistible! The Internet:
We’re constantly warned about new dangers. You can be deluged with junk mail,
harassed by pornography, conned by fraudsters or lured by paedophiles. But it
unites the world and leaps over all barriers or frontiers. With one click,
every reference book is open to you, you can trawl through history or
literature, indulge your favourite hobby, meet friends or find true love. We’d
be isolated and ignorant without it. Milk Chocolate: It’s supposed to be
crammed with fat so it’s bad heart, it’s almost pure sugar so it rots your
teeth; and if it’s made in England, it contains practically no real chocolate.
Who cares? In the 18th Century; chocolate was banned because it makes you feel
so good. As a mood enhancer; it’s far better than gin. Stiletto heels: They
shorten your tendons, dig holes in wooden floors, get impaled in grass and
break when you run. They have no practical use, but they flatter the fattest
ankle and lengthen the shortest leg. Beauty queens have always known their
power—so no wonder it’s become fashionable to wear with bikinis. Men:
Physically and emotionally, there is no doubt that men are dangerous. We
can contract diseases from them and have our hearts broken by them. There are
compensations, however. They can open a bottle of champagne better than most
women. And if the right man pays you a compliment, it will put a sparkle in
your eyes more effectively than cosmetic surgery. Easy steps to making a
decision: “Get in touch with your values. What are you like when you are at
your best?” so asks a Psychologist. What kind of passion do you want to be?
Assess all the facts; what you specifically want to happen, what’s
interpretation and what’s truth. Analyse your feelings and become clear on what
they are. See if the big question breaks down into separate sub-issues, each of
which might benefit from a fresh solution. Phrase each issue as a question,
starting: “How to … “ or “in what ways might I.” Mentally follow both decision
paths and compare results. For each, keep asking, “and why is that important to
me?” to see which leads you closer to your own values. Don’t canvass opinions
from others. Stop. Step back; go for a walk somewhere beautiful; wait. Try out
each decision internally and see how it feels. Put a time frame on this; decide
to look at it again in a few hours or days. Act— and “own the outcome of your
decision. Accept that it was your choice made freely and, with due
consideration.” Married or single, which would you prefer?
If you’re single, you imagine all your problems would be solved if you had a
partner. If you’re in a relationship, you might wonder if life would be more
exciting on your own. But when it comes to s3x, is it better when you’re single
or is there something about a relationship that
When a lady's BOOBS is excessively healthy
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